01. Introduction
02. Why English is Important
03. Parts of Speech
04. Noun & Pronoun
05. Verb, Adjective & Adverb
06. Preposition
07. Subject Verb Agreement
08. Tenses
09. Vocabulary
10. Greetings & Manners
10. Greetings & Manners
(5 pages)
11. Phrases, Vowels & Consonant
11. Phrases, Vowels & Consonants
(6 pages)
12. Silent Letters
13. Common Errors in English
14. Articles
15. Types of Sentences
16. Words which Commonly Confuse
16. Words which commonly confuse
(21 pages)
17. Words mostly heard but not mostly known
17. Words mostly heard but not mostly known
(4 pages)
18. Active and Passive Voice
19. Direct & Indirect Speech
20. Comparative & Superlative
20. Comparitives & Superlatives
(6 pages)
21. Conditionals
22. Idioms and Proverbs
22. Idioms & Proverbs
(6 pages)
23. Practicing Phrases Let's Speak Fluently
24. Invitation, Gratitutde & Good Wishes
24. Invitation, Gratitude and Good Wishes
(2 pages)
25. Refusal, Believing and Requesting
25. Refusal, Believing and Request
(2 pages)
26 Phrases - Meals Permission and Time
26. Meals,Permission and Time
(5 pages)
27. Consent, Encouragement and Sadness
27. Consent, Encouragement and Sadness
(2 pages)
28. Meeting, Shopping and Office
28. Meeting, Shopping and Office
(5 pages)
29. Health, Study and Travel
29. Health, Study and Travel
(6 pages)
30. Instructions Order and Negations
30. Instruction, Order and Negation
(3 pages)
31. Quarrel, Anger and Apologies
31. Anger, Apologies and Quarrel
(2 pages)
32. Dealings, Business & Sayings
32. Dealings, Business and Sayings
(3 pages)
33. Phrases on General Topics
34. About yourself
35. Top 10 Interview Questions & Answers - Best Job Interview Tips - Crack Interview with Confidence
36. Message by CA Raj K Agrawal